First Aid:
To provide prompt treatment and care to persons who are ill or have sustained injury.To ensure that the legal responsibility of the school is fulfilled according to Department of Education Guidelines.
Broad Guidelines:
The school will provide:
A staff member or members with a current First Aid Certificate who will act as the School First Aid Officer(s).
A First Aid room which will be well maintained.Communication with parents concerning their responsibilities to inform and maintain student medical and emergency information.
First Aid management in accordance with Department of Education Guidelines.
Professional Development funds will be made available to train staff members to obtain or update a current First Aid Certificate (St. Johns/Red Cross Level 2 or equivalent).
Designated staff members will maintain First Aid supplies and replenish portable First Aid Kits.
Accident reports will be completed by the teacher on First Aid Duty in the Accident Register kept in the Sick Bay. An official accident report will be completed by the teacher on duty in the case of a serious injury.
The teacher in charge of a camp or excursion is responsible for ensuring a First Aid Kit is taken and where possible a mobile phone will be provided.
Parents or guardians will be notified in cases of illness and serious injuryIn the event of a child requiring immediate medical attention and parents or emergency contacts are unable to be notified, then the principal or Teacher in Charge will determine the mode of transport to the medical location.
Children will be made aware of the necessity of reporting illness and accidents to staff.
Emergency contacts and medical information will be sent home to be updated regularly.
Parents will be made aware that it is their responsibility to inform the school of any change in their child’s medical status or emergency contact information. Parents will notify the child’s class teacher in writing if their child requires medication during school hours.
All staff members will be made aware of all children medically at risk at the commencement of each year and at other times when necessary.
Staff will be informed of Department of Education Guidelines with regard to:
Asthma management and awareness
The handling of blood spills and other body fluids
Infectious diseases
Information on each asthmatic student will be recorded in an “Asthma” file and will be available to relevant staff and in the first aid room.
Update of medical and emergency records.
Review of trained staff, re: the level of equipment, stocktake of First Aid supplies, staff duty roster and adequacy of policy/program.
Adequate funding to cater for the needs of First Aid management.