1. While every effort is made to look after children, parents are urged not to send sick children to school. Parents will be contacted if their child is sick at school.
2. Parents need to provide the school with current emergency numbers so that they can be contacted during school hours.
3. All children in years Prep to 6 must hand medication to the class teacher.
4. “Medication” containers need to be clearly marked with:
Child’s name
Name of the drug
Time and dosage required
5. Any medications that are brought to school must be kept by a teacher and administered to the child by a member of staff, with the exception of medication referred to in point No. 8.
Documentation to be kept in a Certificate Booklet in the first aid room.
6. On-going medications require written directions signed by a parent. This is to be shown to the supervising teacher.
7. Student Medication records are to be kept in the sick bay.
8. Asthma Medication.
Asthma sprays may be kept by children who are trained how to use them properly.
This practice requires parental approval.
An Asthma Management plan is required for each child with this condition.
It must be formulated in consultation with the doctor and the parents. A copy must be kept at school.
9. A current list of teachers and their first aid qualifications to be maintained and kept in the sick – bay.
10. Analgesics are to be treated at school in the same manner as prescribed drugs.
11. Cough mixtures are not appropriate at school and may be only brought to school under doctor’s advice tendered in writing.