Respectful Relationships Program
The Respectful Relationships education program is taught weekly from P-6. The lessons teach content covering a range of themes based on social and emotional health and safety, that are age appropriate. The program’s purpose is to embed a culture of respect and equality across the entire school community.
Zones of Regulation
The Zones of Regulation is used school wide to consistently name emotions along with strategies to assist students to regulate their feeling for optimal learning.
Allied Health Team
We have a Speech Pathologist and Psychologist on staff that work together with the School Principal and Wellbeing and Inclusion Coordinator forming an Allied Health Team. The Allied Health Team meet weekly to discuss how they can best support teachers to make learning adjustments in class to ensure all students are learning to their potential. They also work with some small groups of students who require extra support. This work is then followed up throughout the week by our Education Support staff.
Lunchtime Clubs
We run a range of lunchtime clubs which students can access. They includes social skills, board games, library, Minecraft and gardening. This gives students some quiet, targeted options for lunchtimes if they need a break from the outside space.